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September 11, 2008

A Little Knowledge About Games

This is some missing part that I had forgotten, thanks to my friend "Nisa" who remind me about this.

-Console : On my opinion console is just like a main part of a games, it's just like an engine for a car.  Console read data from disk or cd or whatever it is and be main systems of games it's self. Some of popular console just  like : Playstation 2, Sega Dreamcast, XBox, Game Boy, etc.

-Genre : Genre is just like variety of type games it's self.

For Example:

*RPG (Role Playing Games)  :  Characteristic on RPG, usually player must play around 20-50 hour to finished the games and also basically there are battle transition (random battle encounter,etc) while playing. RPG it's self considered a games type that focused on story. So don't blame this kind of games if you stuck playing or got bad endings, because you never read the text or conversation between character. Some games title that considered  kind of RPG just like : Final Fantasy XII, Grandia 2, Star Ocean 2nd Story, etc

* Adventure : Adventure type games maybe just like an RPG, but it is more focused on preparation just like you are going to hiking or something ( I could write like this because on RPG sometimes we can defeat the final boss just with high level charracter! but in adventure usually wee keep gotten killed while not bringing enough supported item) . Preparation that I mean like continous support item, upgradeable  weapon or any key item that you need for surviving and keep progressing the game. Example games for Adventure type : Alundra 2, Digimon World, etc.

*Action :  Action game mainly focused on style or technique, maybe we can say just like action film. Also usually at first play it's hard to control due to it's complex button (many combination) but I think all people still can handle it  while games progress. Some of Action games category for example : Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid, etc. 

*There are still many other variety of type games just like Racing, Fighting, Shooting, Simulation, Strategy, etc.

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