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September 13, 2008

Digimon World Review

Console : Playstation
Genre : Adventure

Back then, digimon was very famous in Indonesia. It's maybe because of Digimon TV serial animation that showed in one of TV station on Indonesia. Digimon World stories not much different with it's anime TV serial, this games story about a boy that sucked into a different world called Digimon World. In this Digimon World player has mission to recruited another digimon to stay at File City (at 1st sight maybe you will say "Where is the city?"). For addition the digimon that you had successful asked to join in File City usually will helping you so much on progressing games, just like providing item,food or even digivolve item.
Feature that Digimon World have just like Digivolve Feature where you can evolve your digimon depending how you training or even the way you take care of it, File City Development where you can recruiting digimon to join file city and providing you some useful item, Battle Arena where you can save your digimon on memory card and conducting 1vs1 Battle with your friend with those data.

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