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September 28, 2008

Audition AyoDance Playing Guide

Disc Cover Audition AyodanceConsole : PC - Online
Genre : Dance Battle
Audition Ayo Dance is actually an Indonesian version of dance battle online games that originally from korean. This games can be considered as a simple play games, because I think there aren't many complicated buttons that we need for playing this games. To play Audition mainly we only need to use arrow or numpad button , space and some additional button. Just like picture shown below this :
Dynamic 4 and Dynamic 8 keyboard control audition ayodance But nowdays Audition Ayo Dance has evolved and added new different modes. On my personal opinion, actually this is the best way to keep Audition existence at Indonesian Online Games. Because that we know already there are already many online games that failure due to their invasion on Indonesia.


Just like I already mentioned above, Audition is simple game that easy to play (but hard to control off course). Technicaly to play we just need pressing the right button like the followed arrow and finishing it by pressing space key when the indicator reach appropriate point. Just like picture shown below :
Level 6 example bar and arrow audition ayodance
Timing of pressing space key determined the scores we can get. There are 5 categorized of this kind of scoring, there are : perfect, great, cool, bad and miss. Perfect is the best scoring we can get, moreover if we can get combo on perfect it's can multiplay the score we earn. But for addition scoring aren't only rely on this, there are also other thing that determined score. Just like C mode ,dynamic variety, freestyle, finishing move and level of move it's self.


Until this latest patch, there are already many variety games mode that has been developed in Audition Ayo Dance, but in this blog I will write as far I can remembered :
*Dance Competition, the basic mode of Audition games.
*Practice Mode, there are 2 mode : 1 for each dynamic mode.
*Freestyle Mode, mode where you can freely choose move from all available move for freestyle.
*Dynamic Mode, Just like dance competition but there are freestyle section included on it.
*Synch Mode, mode that can only be played in team. Where majority synchronization of perfect determined the score.
*Crazy Dance, extension of dance competition where the move level up to level 11 (Very not recommended for beginner XD).
*Couple Dance, a pair mode. Played as a team each team with different gender of player.
*Club Dance, just like couple dance mode but we can choose our partner later in game-play. (P.S. There are new club mode in this latest patch)
*Ballroom , just exactly like couple dance mode but with different music, move and customization.
*B-Boy Mode, usually played as a team mode. Played by memorizing the opponent freestyle moves to counter. But in the new B-Boy Battle player divided into leader and sub player, also move level had been improved.
*Battle Party, mode where you can earning "den" by defeating NPC. (P.S. den are currency in Audition)
*1-2 Party, mode where you must memorizing npc move and it's timing.
*Story Mode, common story mode for increasing fame or reputation.

OTHER STUFFScreenshoot

-On Room-
Dance floor room audition ayodance
-Standby before Play--Club Dance-
Club Dance Mode Audition Ayodance

-Battle Party-
Battle Party against NPC audition ayodanceWinning battle party
Official Audition Ayo Dance Website
For more information, download Client and Patch,etc. You can go to it's Official Website at http://www.ayodance.com/

September 13, 2008

Grandia 2 Review

Console : PC
Genre :


Have you ever ask, are there are some RPG's for PC? I found the answer after I play Grandia 2. Yup! Grandia 2 is one of RPG for PC. For a playstation gamer like me, I really shocked from first time I play it. "What the hell? How can I miss a great RPG like this" maybe just like that my 1st expression I played Grandia 2. Okay enough for expression! Grandia 2 stories is tell about ressurection of Valmar (it's Demon God or something). Valmar part was scattered around and resides in people. For example Wing of Valmar that later became part of your party, Horn of Valmar that later became a sword, also there are enemies that resided by Valmar part.


Battle systems on Grandia is more advanced than common RPG, because we can't just attack after we input command. There are delay time before action and after command, also even you already has action there are still range between you and target that you must be considered. Not only that, in Grandia 2 battle systems you can also cancel your enemies from act (like cancelling enemies spell, attack, etc) but your act also can be cancelled by your enemies... This is the rough one!


Feature that impressing me so much maybe just it's battle systems, but there are one another features that I remembered. It's skill customization, where we can levelling up our special move skill level.
Contributed by dapit

Digimon World Review

Console : Playstation
Genre : Adventure

Back then, digimon was very famous in Indonesia. It's maybe because of Digimon TV serial animation that showed in one of TV station on Indonesia. Digimon World stories not much different with it's anime TV serial, this games story about a boy that sucked into a different world called Digimon World. In this Digimon World player has mission to recruited another digimon to stay at File City (at 1st sight maybe you will say "Where is the city?"). For addition the digimon that you had successful asked to join in File City usually will helping you so much on progressing games, just like providing item,food or even digivolve item.
Feature that Digimon World have just like Digivolve Feature where you can evolve your digimon depending how you training or even the way you take care of it, File City Development where you can recruiting digimon to join file city and providing you some useful item, Battle Arena where you can save your digimon on memory card and conducting 1vs1 Battle with your friend with those data.


Console : Playstation
Genre : Strategy

I play Brigandine at last moment before optical lens on my Playstation totally lose it's ability (looks like I have a little luck still can play it until end). Brigandine stories about of domination of kingdom who controlled the land called Forsena, in this games you choose 1 ruler from a few choseable kingdom / country (Later there are a new choose able kingdom after you finish the games). Battle system in Brigandine using phase systems just like another strategy games, where you can control move of any monster or character of yours in each phase then conducting battle phase.

Some feature of Brigandine in example like : monster leveling up and evolving (master level in lv.30), skill & evolving customization, etc

September 11, 2008

A Little Knowledge About Games

This is some missing part that I had forgotten, thanks to my friend "Nisa" who remind me about this.

-Console : On my opinion console is just like a main part of a games, it's just like an engine for a car.  Console read data from disk or cd or whatever it is and be main systems of games it's self. Some of popular console just  like : Playstation 2, Sega Dreamcast, XBox, Game Boy, etc.

-Genre : Genre is just like variety of type games it's self.

For Example:

*RPG (Role Playing Games)  :  Characteristic on RPG, usually player must play around 20-50 hour to finished the games and also basically there are battle transition (random battle encounter,etc) while playing. RPG it's self considered a games type that focused on story. So don't blame this kind of games if you stuck playing or got bad endings, because you never read the text or conversation between character. Some games title that considered  kind of RPG just like : Final Fantasy XII, Grandia 2, Star Ocean 2nd Story, etc

* Adventure : Adventure type games maybe just like an RPG, but it is more focused on preparation just like you are going to hiking or something ( I could write like this because on RPG sometimes we can defeat the final boss just with high level charracter! but in adventure usually wee keep gotten killed while not bringing enough supported item) . Preparation that I mean like continous support item, upgradeable  weapon or any key item that you need for surviving and keep progressing the game. Example games for Adventure type : Alundra 2, Digimon World, etc.

*Action :  Action game mainly focused on style or technique, maybe we can say just like action film. Also usually at first play it's hard to control due to it's complex button (many combination) but I think all people still can handle it  while games progress. Some of Action games category for example : Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid, etc. 

*There are still many other variety of type games just like Racing, Fighting, Shooting, Simulation, Strategy, etc.

September 1, 2008

About Grathmeld

Grathmeld is a word I found from games called Ar-Tonelico, it's like a technic / procedure to create new item with recipe and some materials. I never thought that I can use this word as a blog address before, because I think this word maybe has already used by other people. But looks like I still have a little-luck, still has chance to get two different address in blogspot.com that I like (Escalario and Grathmeld). 

Content on this blog is focused on games that I had played, and majority for a game that I had been finished. Any pictures that uploaded in this blog is source from photograph from any media I found (just like cd cover, poster, etc). But I'm still not stupid enough to take a photo from monitor of TV or computer, because it's refresh rate will had a bad effect for pictures quality of my Nokia E50 camera phone.

Atelier Iris 3 Grand Phantasm Review

Atelier Iris 3 stories about Iris and Edge, Iris is a descendant of Alchemist who can create a new item with his ability. Their story begin when Iris know that she has a legenday book called Escalario. Escalario it's self is a sealed book that can granted any wish to the one opened it, in addition in those world only Iris that can opened it, because she is the only one left alchemist in those world. Realize that their world starting to crumbling, Iris and Edge continued to searching Escalario gem/fragment that they need to open Escalario. Later they will meet another charracter that will fight alongside with them.

Atelier Iris 3 has many uncommon featured, in example : burst mode, character customize mode, item creation through alchemy, etc. Altough the graphic just 2D but this RPG still has a good composition.