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October 22, 2008

Harvest Moon a Wonderful Life Special Edition Review

Console : Playstation 2
Genre :


A next serial of Harvest Moon after Harvest Moon 3 Released.In these Wonderful Life Special Edition there are some additional girl than we can get as a wife than Regular Wonderful life series, these girls is Lumina. Harvest moon a Wonderful Life stories similiarly with it's old generation. What again if it's not about a boy from the city that running a farm in the village, eh?


In this series harvest moon has the best quality of graphic than the another series even Innocent Life (next generation of Harvest Moon) still lost with this games full 3D graphic. But there is a consequence that Wonderful Life must be pay for it. Especially to any player who has already play Harvest Moon Back to Nature (1st series of Harvest Moon) will recognize this consequence right after trying this game. Right! There a great price for a great quality, a great quality of graphic will greatly prolonged loading game progress. Not only that, game progress running slower than any other harvest moon series. End? not yet! Wonderful Life series also lack of event. Hmph... end of my complaining section! but at least there is still good point, there are new developed crops systems like merging seed into new different variety plant (I guess, because actually I'm a little forgot) and you can plant not just mere plant but also a tree. Altough tree need more time but personally I like it better than a mere plant that will withered and died during season changing.

October 21, 2008

Shining Force NEO Review

Console : Playstation 2
Genre : Action/Adventure

Shining Force NEO stories began with Max as the central character, he lived quietly with his father and a childhood friend. But later some incident happened, his village attacked by monster that was supposedly has turned to stoned. Then "a men behind the mask" appear, later a fight between Max's father and this men can't be avoided. Moreover one them died in this battle and Max's journey starting from here.

In Shining Force Neo character equipment and skill take the most rule on the games. We will keep getting killed if we don't adjust our weapon and skill depended on situation we were. For example there are some weapon or skill that really effective on some monster but has no effect to another monster (Especially when fighting against golem type monster). So the main aspect in these games determined by your ability to customized your character (Max), for a little tips while playing this one don't just relying on one type weapon. I think at least there must be one type of weapon for range and melee attacks.

Master of Fantasy Review

Console : PC-Online
Genre :

Master of Fantasy considered 2D games, although this just use 2D graphic but this games has all basic elements for MMORPG games. Just like chat box(for broadcast,all,whisper,grub,circle), skill tab scroll, map, quest, status,etc. This game brought to Indonesia at beginning years of 2008 by Playon interactive.

There are 4 basic class in Master of Fantasy, they are : Fighter, Archer, Mage and Cleric. Later after reaching level 40, each class divided into 2 another class. For example for fighter class, after reach level 20 a fighter should be a gladiator. And in the level 40 they should choose one from Swordmaster or Knight, each has it's own unique ability. There also one unique featured that only this game had, they are proctor feature. A feature that allowed senior and junior relation between player, a senior player can gained experienced from junior player and the junior player can gain extra Libi(currency in MoF) from this proctor systems.

For more detailed information about this games, visit it's official homepage at http://mof.playon.co.id